HLSL has been updated with the following fixes and features: The June 2010 DirectX SDK adds the following new method to the ID3D11ShaderReflection interface:
Therefore, you are no longer required to use D3d10.dll to create and use an arbitrary length data object.
The June 2010 DirectX SDK includes a D3dcompiler_43.dll that exports the new D3DCreateBlob function. However, your code will be cleaner and easier to maintain if you use the version-less names. Therefore, you can use either legacy or version-less names. This change makes legacy data-type names equivalent to the new version-less data-type names. The June 2010 DirectX SDK removes versioning from several Direct3D data types that cross runtime versions. Version-less Naming of Cross-Runtime Data Types
Modifications to the C++ declarations for XMFLOAT2A/3A/4A/4X3A/4X4A to better support these types in C++ templates. Use of Visual Studio style SAL annotations. Unified handling of floating-point specials between the Windows SSE2 and no-intrinsics implementations. Addition of XMVectorDivide to optimize SSE2 vector division operations. The June 2010 release updates XNAMath to version 2.03, which includes the following changes: The Summary pane has a new Direct3D Information section, that shows details about what Direct3D capabilities are present on the computer. In the Shader Debugger, it is possible to copy register and variable data to the clipboard. In the Shader Debugger, there is a new toolbar button that enables the display of all constant registers/variables immediately, rather than the first time they are read. The Object Table shows the size and shader model for each shader. The June 2010 version of PIX includes improvements to the PIX user interface: PIX will now display specific string data for objects in the Object Table and other user interface elements where a human-readable object name will provide a much more effective experience for the user. Direct3D enables developers to attach arbitrary data to objects in D3D code using the SetPrivateData API for application-specific usage. The June 2010 version of PIX supports naming for most resource objects in Direct3D (D3D). However, Visual Studio 2005 will no longer be supported. The DirectX SDK will continue to support Visual Studio 2008 as well. The June 2010 DirectX SDK includes support for Visual Studio 2010. This DirectX SDK release contains updates to tools, utilities, samples, documentation, and runtime debug files for 圆4 and x86 platforms.